Air Pollution and the Global Cancer Burden

Posted On 2020-04-28 08:54:55

This focused issue on “Air Pollution and the Global Cancer Burden” is edited by Dr. Mark Parascandola, from National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA.

Mark Parascandola is an Epidemiologist with the Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB) in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). He received his Doctorate in Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University and his Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. Dr. Parascandola also completed an NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship. He has authored numerous published articles on tobacco use prevention, tobacco control policy, and epidemiologic research methodology. As a Program Director at NCI, Dr. Parascandola currently oversees a research portfolio with a focus on tobacco products, smokeless tobacco, and international tobacco control research.